福禄培尔缤纷圣诞节 2018年01月29日

近几十年,圣诞节已不再只是宗教的节日了,而逐渐社会化,成为西方传统节日。各国小朋友是怎么过圣诞节的呢?In the past decades, Christmas is no longer just a religious holiday anymore, it becomes more socialized and turns into a traditional holiday.


Mailing at the Candy Cane Lane

在美国圣诞前夜,家长喜欢带着儿女一起去拜访一条名为糖果巷(Candy Cane Lane)的圣诞街,那里两侧竖立着一间间有特色的小房子,就像是从圣诞卡片里活灵活现地跳出的,每个房子都有一个专门的用途,比如北极邮局、圣诞老奶奶的厨房、小矮人的学校……On the night of Christmas Eve, parents enjoy taking their kids to a Christmas themed street named Candy Cane Lane, where all the houses look like they were from Christmas cards, and each house has a specific function, such as Arctic Post Station, Grandma’s kitchen, School for elves.


Marathon with Santa

澳大利亚悉尼的圣诞老人跑步活动,不但创造了最多圣诞老人一起跑步的吉尼斯世界纪录,还为残疾儿童募捐了善款。日本东京,也会每年举办圣诞老人马拉松比赛,大家都穿上有圣诞色彩的衣服,一起在街头长跑,场面生动有趣。The Marathon with Santa event held in Sydney, Australia, did not only set the record of the most Santas running in one event on Guinness World Records but also raised money for the disabled children. In Tokyo, Japan, there would be a Santa Claus Marathon every year as well, people would put on festive clothes and costumes and jog on the street together, it is quite a scene to watch.


A visit at Santa’s office

在芬兰,很多家长都会带着孩子们去拜访圣诞老人的办公室,像很多童话中描述的一样,慈祥的圣诞老人会笑容可掬地坐在他办公室壁炉边的橡木椅上,卷曲的白胡子直垂过胸,浓密的白眉毛几乎遮盖了鼻梁上的整副眼镜。In Finland, many parents tend to pay a visit at the Santa’s office with their children, just as many fairy tales described, the gracious Santa Claus would sit on the oaken chair by the fireplace, with his beard covers his chest and his eye brow almost covers the whole glasses.

圣诞节对于孩子们来说是雀跃期待的日子,福禄培尔会带给孩子们一个怎样的圣诞节呢?Christmas is a day that children all are anticipating a lot, what kind of Christmas will Froebel bring to kids then?



我们特别邀请到一些宝贝的妈妈们,为更多的小朋友讲述圣诞节的绘本故事,妈妈们绘声绘色,小朋友们身临其境。We sent out special invitations to some mothers of kids at Froebel to read children more illustration books about Christmas, mothers tell vivid stories while children could live in the scenes.


The Making

十二月是寒冷又让人倍感温暖的季节。孩子们乐享着每天早上步入被浓浓圣诞装饰包围的学校。这里有小朋友们精心制作着各种可爱的艺术和手工,他们还精心装扮属于他们的圣诞树。December is a season that makes you feel cold but warm at the same time. Children are enjoying getting to school decorated full of festive vibe. It has lovely hand crafts that’s made by children specially and the Christmas tree that’s decorated themselves.

当然还有孩子们觉得最神圣的时刻——填写圣诞心愿卡!让我们一起看看小朋友的心愿卡都写了什么呢?他们彼此想交换的礼物又是什么?给圣诞老人说了些什么呢?Of course we wouldn’t miss the sacred moment——Christmas wishes cards! Let’s have a look at what kind of wishes they have written, what’s the gift they would like to exchange the most, and what wishes did they make to Santa?

福禄培尔为每一位小朋友精心准备了国外绘本书籍,作为小朋友们的圣诞节礼物,让小朋友们在过圣诞节的同时,享阅读的乐趣。Froebel has prepared foreign illustration books for each kid as a Christmas present, children would be enjoying the fun of reading while spending Christmas.



为了营造出浓郁的圣诞节氛围,我们精心打造园中的每一角落,让我们的孩子能感受到福禄培尔圣诞节,带给他们无限的幸福和快乐。In order to create a strong vibe of Christmas, we have decorated the campus without missing any details for the sake of kids at Froebel to experience happiness that never ends.



福禄培尔的圣诞节怎么可以缺少美食呢!福禄培尔行政总厨为小朋友们准备了美味的圣诞蛋糕、圣诞西餐和姜饼人饼干。It is never a true Christmas at Froebel without gourmet! The delicious Christmas cake and dinner as well as gingerbread man are specially prepared by our executive chef.



圣诞节福禄培尔的国际老师们为小朋友们表演了《The Night Before Christmas》(圣诞前夜),接着就是小朋友们悦耳的合唱《We Wish You a Merry Christmas》、《Silent Night》、最后是小朋友给大家带来的舞蹈《What do you want for Christmas》和乐器演奏《铃儿响叮当》。The foreign teachers performed The Night Before Christmas for children, then it came to the choir playing We Wish You a Merry Christmas & Silent Night alongside the dancing number What Do You Want For Christmas and instrumental performance of Jingle Bell.


Behind the scene


Recommendation for illustration books about Christmas


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