福禄培尔第二届趣味亲子运动会 2017年11月13日

古代奥林匹克运动会的创始人伊菲图斯,他是伊利斯城邦的国王。在公元前776年,古代第一次奥运会在奥林匹亚举行。在奥林匹亚阿尔菲斯河岸的岩壁上保留着古希腊人的一段格言:“如果你想聪明,跑步吧!如果你想强壮,跑步吧!如果你想健康,跑步吧!”Iphitos, the founder of ancient Olympics who was the king of Elis aswell, conducted the very first Olympics in Olympia 776 B.C. An ancient Greekaphorism remains on the palisades aside the Alpheus river “If you crave wisdom, run! If you want to be strong, run! If youdesire for health, run!”

在奥林匹克运动语境中,“奥林匹克精神”有专门的含义,“每一个人都应享有从事体育运动的可能性,而不受任何形式的歧视,并体现相互理解。In the scenario of Olympics, “the spirit of Olympics” possesses a specific meaning, “ Each singlehuman being should be given the possibility of doing sports withoutdiscriminations in whatever means and being understanding to each other.”

虽然奥运冠军离孩子们很遥远,但有很多运动,深受小朋友们的喜欢。为此,福禄培尔国际幼儿园开设了课外跆拳道、攀岩、棒球等运动课程,通过以上课程,孩子们可从中学习到许多的动作技巧及感觉能力,提升动作发展,同时,让孩子们与同伴游戏,促进人际互动发展以及自信心。Champions could be a far reach, but these sports gain more and morepopularity by kids. It is our privilege to offer activity lessons liketaekwondo, rock climbing and baseball for our children to gain bodycoordination techniques and sensory abilities, to promote motor development,also to gain more self-confidence while bonding with others and having funtogether simultaneously.



 Based on this


Froebel International Kindergarten


holds the 2nd time Parent-child olympics for each kid.

“运动”是福禄培尔五大生活方式之首,通过福禄培尔国际幼儿园第二届亲子运动会,福禄培尔组织孩子们和家长们积极参与在丰富多彩的运动活动中。Sport is on the top of Froebel Five Ways of Living, Froebel takesthe opportunity of holding the 2nd time Froebel International KindergartenParent-child Olympics to give the kids and their parents a valuable time ofjoining various activities & sports together.

福禄培尔运动会是给孩子展示的一个平台,更是让孩子们亲身拼搏、汗水、集体、竞争、荣誉……的一个过程。福禄培尔着力于开展各种类型的运动,以此来促进小朋友大脑发育、身高的增长、提高小朋友免疫力、塑造小朋友的性格。The Froebel Sports Meeting is meant to be a platform for kids toshine brilliant, it is a process where children try their best and work hard tofight for team honor. The various events Froebel launches are dedicated topromote kids’ brain development and height growth aswell as enhance immunity and personality formation.

亲子时光总是很短,作为父母的你真的打算让疯狂的电子设备将你的位置取而代之吗?还是选择参与到福禄培尔亲子运动会中,陪孩子们好好玩一通!Family time usually flies fast. As aparent, do you want the electronic device to take your place of accompanyingyour kids or do you choose to fulfill yourself with kids into the Froebel FamilyOlymppics.

在亲子运动中,有很多任务环节,父母与孩子们本着“我们一起工作”的精神,我们希望孩子们能处理大部分的任务即使他们年幼。在各种各样的任务中的动手经验促进学习,建立性格,并有助于形成未来的自我基础。在某种程度上,一起做任务会让父母和孩子更和谐。During this activity, parents encouragedthe children to deal with most tasks with the awareness of cooperation eventhough the children are too young to do. It helps shaping theself-actualization and good personality by conquering missions with their ownhands. To some degree actually, parents and kids will bond more harmoniouslywhen working together.


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