福禄培尔英文童话剧汇演 2017年08月25日

将戏剧融入教学,源于法国著名思想家、教育家卢梭的两个理念:“在实践中学习”和“在戏剧实践中学习”。 Integrate drama into the teaching, was originated from the famous French philosopher, educator Rousseau's two philosophies: "learning by doing" and "learning by dramatic doing".

二十世纪50年代起,戏剧教育家彼得.斯莱德大力发展儿童戏剧教育。这种寓教于乐的教育方式,开始越来越被认为是对儿童的智力开发、人格塑造及个人成长最好的方式之一。Since the 1950s, drama educator Peter Slade had developed children's drama education; this educational and entertaining pattern began to be more and more considered as one of the best ways for the intellectual development, personality shaping and personal growth of children.



Nowadays, children's drama education

has developed into a universal teaching method

in many European and American countries.

在美国,戏剧教育1994年起正式纳入幼儿园至高中的教育体系中;在法国,从幼儿园至十二年级分六个阶段,孩子们将由浅入深完成一系列戏剧教育。而在加拿大,从小学到高中均开设有戏剧课程……In the United States, drama education was formally incorporated into the kindergarten to senior high school education system in 1994. In France, there are six phases from kindergarten to Twelfth grade, children will complete a series of drama education from the shallower to the deeper. In Canada, there are drama classes from primary school to high school.

其目的,都是让孩子在轻松愉悦的环境中习得语言,同时解放天性、突破自我,以获得全面发展。The aim is helping children to acquire language in a relaxed and cheerful environment. Meanwhile liberate their nature, break through themselves, to acquire integrated development.


Based on this,


Froebel international kindergarten brings


English fairy tale performance into routine teaching plan.

我们希望与孩子们一起,沉醉在一幕幕有趣的英文童话剧里,与美妙的音乐,天籁的童声、生动的表演为伴。we addict to these brilliant English fairy tales with our children and stay with wonderful music along with ”Angel voice”  and vivid performances.

当每个小朋友们都自信地站在台前发光发亮,流利又富有感情地说着全英文台词,并快乐地融入角色,享受表演的带来的乐趣,我们真的骄傲且叹服,开心并感动。When the children was confidently standing in front of the stage and  speaking all English lines with fluency and affectionate;get into roles with pleasure and enjoy such delightful  performance given by themselves. As adults,we are more than pride and admiration and feel joyful and touched.


How magical it is to bond children with drama teaching in English.

接下来,我们福禄培尔当然会继续和孩子们一起,“探索”更多童话剧里的奇妙世界,在最快乐的氛围、最自然的环境中,伴着梦想,与世界一起长大。Last but not least,  Froebel kindergarten will stay close to our children , “explore” world wonders in the fairy tale. Let’s follow with the dream, grow up with the world in this happiest rounding.


四川省成都市蜀金路61号(金鹏街171号) 028-8732 0116